*Although I know that I can't
I intended to have a raya visit to my friend's house at 9....
I wore my jeans.. then paired it with my new collar-t and squirt my body a little bit with brand new polo fragrance. Just nice for a simple men like me. Owh and of course, a wristwatch! It's a must.
Few minutes later ....my tummy was starting to do a weird funny sound. So I decided to grab a bite to eat and went downstairs ....I had Kak Laa's lasagna. It was superb luscious! She's getting pro at doin' it now. *claps ;)
By the way, on the right corner of the house..
seems like all the family members were chatting, laughing and basically just glad to be out and about and forgetting the stress of work mostly. Surely, with happy faces of them.. they have made me smile too. ^^
With Kak Nadd and Abg Fad, first we headed to Plaza Damas and were spending about 20 minutes to buy mama's medicine. Actually mama has high blood pressure. She's trying hard to look strong and be strong for her children.
I know she loves us very much .....as much as we love her! However .....seriously, there's one thing I hate the most. She's depending too much on those white little pills! I'm sure there must be some other way to counter it. But.......*Sigh (weak at the knees) =/
Anyway, let's not talk about it for now and just go straight to where when Kak Nadd and Abg Fad sent me to my friend's house.
This is where it all began....
I had to wait for my friend at the guardhouse ...alone... since she went away for awhile to her friend's house.... loaded with patience and excitement ...so I stayed there, sending messages to her hoping she'll be in front of me in a couple of minutes.
But, when I'd been there for almost an hour and I’d seen absolutely no sign of her... I couldn’t stop myself from checking my phone and kept on calling her mobile few times. Thanked God on the last call, she was telling me that she's just around the corner...
Absolutely loaded with patience and excitement, just waiting for her next to the guard house in silence.... me getting excited at the prospects of seeing her and with such a need to see her... Eyh did I mention that my friend is a girl!
She's arrived with my other friend...
With just baju kurung...
Once again, she took my breath away. As soon as I got close to her I could barely breath.
I said Hi.. yet she was just silence…. I felt really foolish so turned to talk to the other friend.
I blame myself cause' of my total lack of control when faced with the most gorgeous and stunningly hot girl ever to grace this earth!….. she is sooooooo gorgeous it’s unbearable!

I was completely helpless. -.-
Nevermind that.. went to the house and she was being very nice to me for the very moment.
11.50PM.... - 2.30AM....
*blissful moment.....
2.45AM.... - 3.15AM....
I didn’t know what to say so stood all awkward and stupid in front of her. I don’t know what is going to happen…..
When I got home I felt even sicker about it..... I love her….. not a lot, not deeply, madly, passionate sort of love….. but a genuine love of her…
her being, her personality, her kindness…. just everything about her…. she is one of the most gorgeous people I’ve ever met… inside and out…
I can’t resist her...
and because of that.. I think I did a mistake. (" .)