Monday, May 23, 2011
Jakarta and Bandung
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I love money. $__$
you bought those things using your parents money? errr Okay. -.-"
bersyukur jelah kan dgn apa yg kita ada. ^^
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
cigarettes, shisha, and tobacco pipe
Shisha pipes injurious to health
A research by the Department of Health and the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre has revealed that smoking a shisha pipe is as injurious to health as smoking tobacco.
Shisha is an Arabic pipe with a flexible tube. Water is used to cool the smoke that is produced by burning fruit-scented tobacco.
The study also found that one shisha smoking session could produce four to five times more carbon monoxide than smoking a cigarette could do, though the exact level of carbon monoxide inhaled by each cigarette smoker was different and could not be ascertained.
High carbon monoxide levels can cause damage to the brain and unconsciousness.
When the carbon monoxide exhale by various people was measured it showed that a normal non-smoker’’s level was three parts CO per million parts of air (ppm) which means less than 1 per cent of blood his blood was not working properly, a light smoker to had CO levels of 10-20 ppm (2-4 per cent of blood not working properly), and a heavy smoker 30-40 ppm (5-7 per cent).
Shisha smokers had 40-70 ppm of CO in their breath, which affected 8-12 per cent of their blood.
The BBC quoted Dr. Hilary Wareing, director of the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre, as saying: “Our mouths opened at the level of harm – none of the tests we did showed anything other than shisha is hazardous to health.”
Paul Hooper, regional manager at the Department of Health, said that the study showed that the dangers of shisha smoking were a “major issue”, though many people believe it “as not even smoking”.
ShishaBars have become quite popular across the UK especially in the cities of London, Manchester and Birmingham and the misconceptions generated here encouraged the scientists to carry out the research on the effects of Shisha smoking.
Dr. Wareing said: “We found one session of smoking shisha – that’’s 10 milligrams (of fruit tobacco) for 30 minutes – gave carbon monoxide levels that were at the lowest four and five times higher than having a cigarette…But at the worst, shisha was 400 to 450 times more dangerous than having a cigarette.”
She added shisha was still awaiting more research to find out its adverse effects. Paul Hooper said the department was trying “how best to get the message – that it is dangerous – across to the consumer”.
“But how do you label the tobacco and the shisha pipe? It’’s not as simple as labelling a packet of cigarettes,” he added.
alright good! one after another. I managed to stop from smoking cigarettes..and now will I be strong enough to stop shisha? argh damn. dude, I can't stop from getting smoke out of something.. sheehhs looks like I must buy a tobacco pipe so that I can take my eyes off shisha.
my latest addiction
- 1Find a pipe that suits you. Tobacconists are more than happy to help you find your perfect pipe. Prices can vary from cheap to a small fortune.
- 2Experiment with different tobaccos in order to find a preference. There are many varieties of pipe tobacco, including Aromatics, American blends, English blends, Virginias, Burleys, amongst others. A tobacconist will be able to help advise you on their individual characteristics. People completely new to smoking may enjoy an aromatic or lighter tobacco, while on the other hand a habitual cigarette or cigar smoker might prefer a heavier blend. Buy small amounts representing several different styles.
- 3Pack the pipe. Fill the pipe loosely with tobacco and compress it lightly. Compressed halfway from the bottom of the bowl to the top. Fill again to the top and compress with a little more force. This time halfway from the top of the previous packing to the top. Now top it off and compress a bit harder. Again half way from the last point to the top. It must not be so dense as to prevent air from being drawn through the pipe; you should be able to draw air through with little or no resistance. The tobacco should be springy to the touch. It's best to have your tobacconist or an experienced pipe smoker demonstrate. Correct packing takes practice, and has a major impact on how enjoyable your experience will be.
- 4Light the pipe with a wooden match or a butane pipe lighter. If using a match, let the sulfur burn off for a few seconds. Move the flame around the surface of the tobacco while drawing gently until evenly lit, then tamp it gently with a tamper. Let it go out, then relight the same way.
- 5Puff slowly and rhythmically. Patience is rewarded with aroma and a cool smoke. Puffing too fast will result in tongue bite - a burning sensation on the tongue.
- 6Tamp the tobacco gently and periodically throughout the smoke to ensure the bowl remains correctly packed while smoking. Don't worry if the pipe goes out from time to time. Simply relight, after the pipe has cooled.
- 7Make sure you smoke your pipe to the end to create a nice 'cake' (layer of carbon deposits) at the bottom and side of your pipe bowl.
- 8Relax and enjoy. Pipe smoking is the quintessential art of smoking.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
what a day
Then around 9 I guess, lisa called me. So I asked her whether she wants to go watch movie with me or not.. but she had to go buy her school stuffs and on.. and so I went alone. Btw, fast five was cool though. ;)
after that, shisha for awhile at geo's and there I had a really nice conversation with Jason, Pian and another peson *forgot her name. Whatever it is, indeed we were having and enjoyed our conversation.
and thus, surely made my day ^^
cucu nenek
suatu masa bernama dahulu
makanku selalu nenek suapkan
mandiku jua nenek jiruskan
masa tidurku pula nenek dodoikan
diriku nek tak pernah berenggang
musim belalu begitu pantas
cu bertuah dibesarkan oleh mu
rasa syukurku ke hadrat Ilahi tidak terbagi
berbanding ramai remaja zamanku ini
yang mungkin mereka dimanjakan oleh keluarga
menyebabkan mereka lupa akan erti kesusahan
dirimu sangatku rindui saat ini
ajaran dan peringatan nenek terhadapku
suara nenek yang gerimis
pada sebuah kesilaman
cu selalu minta dibelai manjamu
kerana ayah dan ibuku sibuk seharian
cu menjadi amat amat rindu
cucumu ini berbangga dengan didikanmu
cabaran kehidupan cu tongkah satu persatu
malah akanku cuba terbang
mencari sinaran
berkat seorang ibu dan anakmu
insyaAllah cucumu ini temui kejayaan
sekiranya tidak
cu terima takdir yang telah ditentukan
cu doa nenek diberikan tempat disampingNya
semuanya telah berlalu
namun saat ini kenangan mengusik kalbuku
pohon agar titisan cu tidak membebankan nenek
cu bukannya apa
walaupun nenek tidak dapat lihat hatiku ini
cu cuma ingin luahkan
doaku kuiringi senantiasa
~ cucu manjamu <3
Saturday, May 7, 2011
say yeah to lone ranger. haha
but the weird thing is.. I'm getting more and more and more into 'doing things alone' rather than with any companions beside me... have breakfast at old town alone, window shopping alone, watch movie alone, flirting alone.. yeeaaah aaall alooone. I don't know why, but yes I'm starting to like it.. to live alone. Plus, even my parents dont know that I'm going to bandung end of this May? damn, 'anak yang tak soleh kan'? haha whatever. It is not that I'm forgetting my family nor my friends.. No 'Q & A' tq.. people, do forgive me if next time you ask me anything, I'll be like...........*nothing*.... hahaha. if you guys insist.. there is one thing that I can be definite.. now I am focusing on making money for my future. So other than that, better dont ask me anything or you will be hurt heaering my answer. huahaha. Owh yeah, anyway.. I think tumblr would be fun to try. hmmm.. o.O
Friday, May 6, 2011
I miss you guys! lets go out this Saturday

Thursday, May 5, 2011
it starts here..
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
It's not the end of the world.
Monday, May 2, 2011
better man lyric
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain
Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time
As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man
Go easy on my conscience
'Cause it's not my fault
I know I've been taught
To take the blame
Rest assured my angels
Will catch my tears
Walk me out of here
I'm in pain
As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man
Once you've found that lover
You're homeward bound
Love is all around
Love is all around
I know some have fallen
On stony ground
But Love is all around
Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain
Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time
As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doin' all I can
To be a better man
"...we miss you when you're still our young one..."