*train to airport

*waiting my flight

*flight back to KL
at last! went to bandung and jakarta for a quick getaway. I had a really good and memorial time over there. Felt that 3 nights was not enough for me.
I took a train from KL central to Pasir Salak. From there, mount a bus straight to the airport. Then at Indonesia I used a lot of 'angkut' and taxi. I recorded video of my journey the moment from KL to Jakarta-Bandung and KL back, but sorry guys, can't show you the video. It just for my family though. Let myself, my family and God know what I did there.
Anyway, in simple words and short... there I'd done Spa for 2 days to relax myself and yes I enjoyed! Then I did something unusual for me... I went for manicure and pedicure..awkward but definitely fun!
owh yeah, I got pictures of me doing spa, mani and pedi too.. but they seem to be very embarrassing which I decided not to publish those pictures. -.-"
Nevertheless, alhamdulillah for the safe journey. ^^
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