Wednesday, December 29, 2010

congratulations Malaysia.

thanks for the fantastic 2010 end Malaya tigers. ='')

*me happy faces. ngeee

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A man never knows how to say good-bye

If egotism means a terrific interest in one's self, egotism is absolutely essential to efficient living. The trouble with so many of us is that we underestimate the power of simplicity. We have a tendency, it seems, to overcomplicated our lives and forget what's important and what's not. We tend to mistake movement for achievement. We tend to focus on activities instead of results. And as the pace of life continues to race along in the outside world, we forget that we have the power to control our lives regardless of what's going on outside. The formula of achieving a successful relationship is simple: you should treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster. When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard." I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life. I guessed your friends are definitely right. Listen to them because friendship is certainly the finest balm for pangs of disappointed love. Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time. Every instance of heartbreak can teach us powerful lessons about creating the kind of love we really want. So made new.. if you get what I'm trying to say. I know you're struggling and suffering. Just stop. There's someone else surely can makes you laugh. If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at everytime in your life. Go create a new and happy one for yourself.

- an advice for ya.. "the first duty of love is to listen"

Monday, November 8, 2010

sacred items of Amir Haridan

1. wallet with no money inside it
2. wrist watch
3. perfume
4. wedding rings
5. college ID card
6. house keys
7. thumb drives
8. mobile phone

9. cheap lappy

10. favorite red boy bag
11. the 'kapok'

12. new 1 Ringgit Malaysia necklace made by myself



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Garden of Mystery

"Know that the world is a mirror from head to foot,
In every atom are.a hundred blazing suns.
If you cleave the heart of one drop of water ,
A hundred pure oceans emerge from it;
If you examine closely each grain of sand,
A thousand Adam maybe seen in it.
In its members a gnat is like an elephant,
In its qualities a drop of rain is like the Nile.
The heart of a piece of corn equals a hundred harvests.

A world dwells in the heart of a millet seed.
In the wing of a gnat is the ocean of life..
In the pupil of the eye a heaven.
What though the corn grain of the heart be small
It is a station of the Lord of both worlds to dwell
there in".

~ Mahmud Shabistari

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


. . . . "A real man makes the first move" . . . .

~ I
L O V E Y O U ~

my blog is private now but I couldn't care less about you seeing this.
cause you already gave me your answer

Monday, November 1, 2010

'back then'

"You really love her, don't you?"

A simple psychological question. Not a single name was mentioned. But suddenly, someone came into your mind as you read it.

We live in a world where all we do is strive for more. But why can't we be happy with what we already have?? If you can take a lesson from "You never know what you got, until it's gone", maybe we'd learn to appreciate what we have more often. You can't always get the perfect moment, all you can do is make the best out of the circumstances. Because there will never be the PERFECT 'soul-mate', but there will be the one you learned to love; the flaws and everything else in between.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"knowing that I can’t see you every day and be there for you when you need me"

I am not perfect.
But I tried so hard. I tried harder than you could ever imagine, and now here I am, trying my best just to forget everything. Every piece of you, the way you smell, the feel of your hair. I can still feel you. I think I always will

I wonder, what life would you lead if you had never met me back then....
...probably you be...

.....Happier now.....


sometimes, I wonder..
what your life will be now if you never met me back then..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

warong kopi

pada suatu petang,
aku lepak bersama beberapa orang teman aku di warong..
seperti biasa, teh ais dan sekotak 'durjana' di atas meja..
sedang berpoya-poya menikmati peluang yang diberikan oleh tuhan..
aku tertarik dengan suara-suara manusia yang rancak berborak di sebelah meja

"Bang,nasi bujang dan air kosong satu"
"*baik..!" (balas abang warong)
"alah kau, nasi bujang jee?"
"tak adalah, kau bukannya tak ada duit nak makan, minum?"
"tak apa, aku suka makan nasi bujang dan air kosong"
"ikut suka kaulah"

kemudian, kebetulan teman-temanku juga telah mendengar perbualan itu..

"weyh kau dengar tak mereka cakap apa?"
"dengar, pasal nasi bujang dengan air kosong kan?"
"a'ah, apa la orang tu. Naik BMW tapi nak makan untuk diri sendiri pun kedekut"
"alah biarkan je dah citarasa dia, biarlah dia nak makan apa"
"tak adalah, ni kedekut sampai member sendiri pun tegur"
"mana kau tahu yang dia itu sebenar-benarnya kedekut?"
"dah makan pun nasi bujang je padahal naik BMW? apa lancau?"
"mungkin sudah memang menjadi kebiasaan bagi dia nasi bujang kowt? jadi biarkan sajalah"

Teman-teman ku terkelu..

Aku menghirup minumanku sambil bermonolog tersengih memandang mereka.

'Nasi bujang satu'

Rasa hebat.Imej ringkas, tenang.
Itu nasi bujang dan air kosong.
Mudah.Dan tiada apa yang istimewa.
Cukup untuk memenuhi selera.

Kini ;
Nasi bujang dan air kosong memang tiada rasa.
Mudah muak untuk dijamu rasa.
Tetap sama.Tiada perbaharuan rasa.
Tetap ringkas seperti mula mula.

Menu lain diangkat nama.
Lebih sedap lebih berasa.
Tapi kamu tetap pilih yang sama.
Kerana nasi bujang yang mengajar erti rasa.

'Dik,makan apa?'
'Nasi goreng apa ada bang?'
'Semua jenis nasi goreng ada'
'Okay,nasi bujang satu bang'

tetap pilih yang sama.
Sebab ia yang mengajar kita erti rasa.

Tapi bukan berkaitan pendapat tersebut yang aku ingin ketengahkan di sini.

Aku hanya ingin berkata tentang sikap kau dan kau.
Dan mungkin juga aku.
Tentang sikap mudah melatah.
Contoh yang mudah aku lihat adalah bila kejadian ini berlaku.
Kau dan kau, melatah dan membuat spekulasi, tanpa kaji dan fahami situasi yang berlaku.
Akhirnya bila diberitahu tentang situasi sebenar,baru lah semua terdiam.
Dan akan keluar lah ayat "ohhhhhh!"
Aku faham kau dan aku adalah Melayu.
Terkenal dengan sifat mudah melatah.Tapi kita perlu ubah itu.
Aku sudah bosan.Bosan.
Maafkan aku.Aku bukannya Hang Jebat.
Tapi aku bosan dengan fiil bangsa aku sendiri.

Terus melatah.
Dengan petah.
Kemudian diludah.
Baru hendak tergadah.
Aku sudah bosan dengan semua itu;

~post sempena minggu bahasa kebangsaan 3 minggu lepas. (" ,)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Being an insecure guy, the conclusion that I keep reaching is that she doesn't like me, or that she isn't interested in me. Recognizing that my insecurity may be hindering my grasp on reality.

I've never really been waay too "in" to girls. I'm not gay or anything, but it takes a lot for me to be attracted to a girl. I don't want to be a hypocrite. I'm alright looking and to be honest, I like girls who are physically attractive.

I hope that doesn't sound superficial.

Summed up, I'm not your typical asshole guy. Yeah, I like girls for how they look, but I like a girl who has personality, above all else.

Pretty much, I know this one girl. I just misjudge myself a lot. If there was an awkward silence in our conversation, or I wasn't as entertaining as usual, or she didn't seem too interested in what I had to say, or she decided to go and talk to somebody else instead, I'll start beating myself up.

I'll think I did something wrong, or that there's something internally wrong with me.

Which is complete stupid, I know. Also rather silly that I'd expect her to talk only to me, even if she liked me the same way that I liked her.

Anyway, I rarely talk to her, or text her... But when I do, sometimes she'll respond within a few minutes, sometimes it'll take her a few hours.

Normally, I don't care too much, because I know she's busy. Lately, she hasn't responded to my last three or for text messages. It's been two days since the last one and I'm getting kind of anxious.

It is slightly dramatized and so I'm not really sure what to think.
"you're not mine to lose, but still I feel like I'm losing you"


Monday, October 25, 2010


I need a break.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

everything seems so wrong

world is such a cruel place to live.

Monday, April 19, 2010

whattafish ?

have you ever felt that when somebody was trying to wake you up from your bed but you didn't notice it and they got fade up with you and decided to leave you. Few hours later when you're awake, you were getting piss off because you already late for something. You thought that nobody was trying to stir you up and got offended by it and you're about to ask why, and the best part is, they told you that they did try... but it's just you...

at that time you awake and you were telling them something which is..
"you're the one who refused to follow them"

*yet you remember nothing about it. =.=

Sunday, March 28, 2010

eat me inside out

I’ve not had a very pleasant couple of weeks. So I need to write this all down as I need to get it out of my head so I can stop thinking about it.

*Although I know that I can't


I intended to have a raya visit to my friend's house at 9....

I wore my jeans.. then paired it with my new collar-t and squirt my body a little bit with brand new polo fragrance. Just nice for a simple men like me. Owh and of course, a wristwatch! It's a must.

Few minutes later tummy was starting to do a weird funny sound. So I decided to grab a bite to eat and went downstairs ....I had Kak Laa's lasagna. It was superb luscious! She's getting pro at doin' it now. *claps ;)

By the way, on the right corner of the house..
seems like all the family members were chatting, laughing and basically just glad to be out and about and forgetting the stress of work mostly. Surely, with happy faces of them.. they have made me smile too. ^^

With Kak Nadd and Abg Fad, first we headed to Plaza Damas and were spending about 20 minutes to buy mama's medicine. Actually mama has high blood pressure. She's trying hard to look strong and be strong for her children.

I know she loves us very much much as we love her! However .....seriously, there's one thing I hate the most. She's depending too much on those white little pills! I'm sure there must be some other way to counter it. But.......*Sigh (weak at the knees) =/

Anyway, let's not talk about it for now and just go straight to where when Kak Nadd and Abg Fad sent me to my friend's house.

This is where it all began....

I had to wait for my friend at the guardhouse ...alone... since she went away for awhile to her friend's house.... loaded with patience and excitement I stayed there, sending messages to her hoping she'll be in front of me in a couple of minutes.

But, when I'd been there for almost an hour and I’d seen absolutely no sign of her... I couldn’t stop myself from checking my phone and kept on calling her mobile few times. Thanked God on the last call, she was telling me that she's just around the corner...

Absolutely loaded with patience and excitement, just waiting for her next to the guard house in silence.... me getting excited at the prospects of seeing her and with such a need to see her... Eyh did I mention that my friend is a girl!

She's arrived with my other friend...

With just baju kurung...

Once again, she took my breath away. As soon as I got close to her I could barely breath.

I said Hi.. yet she was just silence…. I felt really foolish so turned to talk to the other friend.

I blame myself cause' of my total lack of control when faced with the most gorgeous and stunningly hot girl ever to grace this earth!….. she is sooooooo gorgeous it’s unbearable!

I was completely helpless. -.-

Nevermind that.. went to the house and she was being very nice to me for the very moment.

11.50PM.... - 2.30AM....
*blissful moment.....

2.45AM.... - 3.15AM....
I didn’t know what to say so stood all awkward and stupid in front of her. I don’t know what is going to happen…..

When I got home I felt even sicker about it..... I love her….. not a lot, not deeply, madly, passionate sort of love….. but a genuine love of her…

her being, her personality, her kindness…. just everything about her…. she is one of the most gorgeous people I’ve ever met… inside and out…

I can’t resist her...

and because of that.. I think I did a mistake. (" .)


perak river

aku memang kedekut nak berkongsi pengalaman.
neaaaah just kidding.
I'll upload tons of pictures in my fb okay. ;)